Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some pictures

Had our first snow day today. Here is Chubba playing with the dogs in the back yard, they all had so much fun!!
Dylan having just fallen off of the sleigh behind the 4-wheeler!

Joce and her artistic self showing through with this AMAZING snowman! I stayed inside and did laundry and cleaned the house, mostly I just tried to be warm, I thought we had moved away from all of this?? Although it was funny that we had a snow day when there was only about 7-8 inches at Preston it would have been just another storm!! It was a fun day, the boys were outside ALL day riding 4-wheelers and playing in the snow:)

Joce went to sadie hawkins dance, they decorated their shirts and had a great time!!

Just an example of the fun the boys have been having this fall with our new dog, aptly named "Birdie" Shawn has the best reciepe for cooking all kinds of game birds so we really have been enjoying them!